Douche Bag!!!

My previous entries have been about my NYC trip and how much fun I had. But that doesn’t me I was completely not annoyed.  Richard lives with a couple of roommates and one of them is a complete douche bag. He is wikipedia worthy. Let me back track a little. So whenever I go to NYC, the first couple of days, the first couple of days I spend a lot of time in the shitter. My stomach is not fully ready for the culinary assault. So without fail, I used the apartment’s bathroom with much frequency. To a point, where I used up most of their toilet paper. Since I felt bad for using up their TP, I asked the Dbag roommate if he knew where they had the extra TP. He responded, ” I havent used toilet paper in this apartment in 3 months.” -.-  First of all, how does that answer my question. The second thing that came to mind is, fucking gross fucker. How do you not use tp? I guess he saw that I was a little bit bothered by his response so he says have you looked under the sink? I told him that everyone with a bathroom, would put their extra supplies there. Of course I looked first before I looked. 

Since I knew this wasnt getting anywhere, I asked him where the nearest CVS is. He said its 3 blocks away. IN WHICH DIRECTION FUCKER! Man, it took every ounce of strength to not sock this dude in the throat. If you are reading this Richard’s Roommate, I hope you learn to have a conversation like a normal human being and not like a complete asswipe. Thanks…