I Hate People.

I often tell people that I hate people. I know it comes off as asshole-ish but let me explain because I don’t want people to think I’m some weird perv hermit asshole. I AM NOT A HERMIT…

I haven’t lived long compared to a lot of folks. I figure once you hit your 60s you have the right to claim that you have enough life experiences to dishing out advice. But as I am sitting here in a café in Ktown, I realized that people as a whole are weak, retarded, pussies.

I know everyone’s problems are relative. It’s a big deal to them regardless of how ridiculous it is in the big picture. People are using FML for a lot of things. Oh my god, the salon fucked up my hair. FML… Oh shit I got a flat tire. FML! OMG! School is Killing me. It’s sooo hard. FML!

For you folks that aren’t knowledgeable with lazy internet acronyms, FML stands for fuck my life. Anyone that uses this should get POFed. (Punched in Face). Look you silly bastards, life is way harder. Your problems undoubtedly are crap and you are being dramatic. If your hair was messed up by the salon wear a fucking hat and deal with it.

Sure technology is great. I grew up in a time when it took almost a whole fucking day to put a picture online, when you had to stay in a 3ft radius to make a phone call. My parents in their time used to shit in holes in the ground. But with all these advances, why are we such pussies?

I was informed that the US has to pay foreign companies to take our trash. Then they use our trash and make products and sell it back to us.  How in the fuck does that make sense? We are truly fucked as a society. Sure there are places like North Korea that got their shit even way more backwards than say the US but we aint shit and people aint doing anything about it.

We are not longer the 92 Dream Team. We are not number 1 in anything except producing stupid muthafuckers.

I did a stint at a tutoring place. I was assigned to tutor a bunch of kids and for the most part they were ok kids but pure pussies. There was one 18 year old kid I was tutoring. He did not know how to solve this problem:

If a carpenter had a  4ft 2inch board and he cut of 2ft 8inches, how much would he have left.

I was so shocked that I actually kicked his ass. Our education system is shit. We got some dumbasses  pouring out of schools all across the country. School stress aint hard kids. Trust me on this. Raising children in a big city is fucking hard. Figuring out how to send your dumbass to school is hard. And I am not talking about just book smarts. There is a lack in common sense and street smarts as well.  I have very little hope for the future.

Another reason I have problems with people as a whole is the drinking culture of the areas around me. I am not opposed to drinking booze. Shit I do it all the time. So much so that I have gout now. But when did drinking become a who has the bigger dick contest? Same with weed. When did it make you that much cooler that you can smoke a shit ton? Because that’s what it seems like these days.  “Oh you drank 3 glasses of scotch? I drank 5.” I’m just give em a look like do you want a prize asshole?

I hate people because for the most part they don’t keep it real. I don’t mean keep it real as in keeping it hood and gangsta. You can keep that silly shit to yourselves. What I mean by keeping it real is be honest? Sure there are times you need to be fake. Like job interviews, and shitty relationships, but dammit no need to front. Also take ownership of your actions. There are so many blame dodging, victims around me that it makes me sick. “I don’t know why people always take advantage of me.” It’s probably cuz you are a dumbass.

Ugh im gonna stop writing because I am getting more and more angry.