Kill Yourself

I am totally against suicide prevention programs. Yes I know they probably saved a few lives but on a macro level, people that commit suicide are weak. No matter how shitty you think your life is, there is someone LIVING that has it worse and he/she is still trying to make it work.  I want to clarify that I truly believe Suicide is wrong. No matter what you believe in, suicide is never the right answer. However, if you want to be a selfish fuck and end your life, well then maybe you should.

We are the only species of animals that try to coddle the weak. I aint a zoologist but I guarantee you that a lion with low self esteem will eventually be wiped out. What happened to survival of the fittest? Why is everyone so hell bent on saving the ones that will bring you down. Cuz you want to be a hero? Cuz you feel like you accomplished something by talking someone down from a ledge? Do you really get off on thinking that you saved a life? Well in all honesty, you probably just made the world a little bit shittier.

Yes, I am sure that on a micro level, people have people close to them that have committed suicide and I am pretty sure it is heart breaking. I know a few people that have taken their lives and it was pretty devastating. Sure I was sad, and I started thinking I could have done something to stop it. But once that bullshit wanting to be a hero moment passed I couldn’t help but be very angry. I was angry because ultimately they couldn’t deal with living. That’s a slap in the face of every single one around them. Hell I’ve talked a few people out of suicide in my life and they seem to be doing ok now. Again I understand on a personal level, it is sad but on a grander scale, suicide is such a pathetic move.

There was a time in my life when I too thought about eating a bullet. And the only thing that stopped me was the realization that it’s a fucking coward move. Kill yourself because you aren’t happy?! Because you are depressed?! Fuck outta here! Everyone , myself included, strives to be happy. And that’s not a bad thing. However, it’s the requirements a person sets for themselves in which they believe will make em happy, that fucks people up. OMG I can’t get a job! Fuck, the love of my life broke up with me. I am getting bullied at school/work! There might be a handful of other things. People that have it worse than you are still plugging away. Why are Korean celebs hanging themselves, while homeless people are still fighting to stay alive. The people that live in landfills of Liberia are still trying stay alive. They fucking eat people out there!

Sure you can argue that everyone’s problems are relatively big to themselves. I totally get it. But what gives someone the right to just fucking quit. I look at it this way. No matter how shitty your life is, living is still better than not. Why? Because there is always a chance things will get better. The 4th quarter comeback is always epic. John Elway never gave up. The Lakers didn’t give up against the Blazers in that one series many moons ago. (They totally gave up against the Mavs two seasons ago. -.-)

Ultimately, I don’t like quitters. Plain and simple. And suicide is quitting on the one game that everyone needs to play and try to win.