Posted July 25th, 2009 by

Sometimes I get caught up with all of life’s stupidity that I lose focus of my loved ones. The ones I tend to forget and neglect the most are my family. But recently I rewatched this video:

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It put me in a weird mood. A part of me was truly moved by such unconditional love. A love that only parents have for their children.  I have caused quite a few heartaches for my mom and dad. The most recent one being my transition to becoming a fulltime comedian and actor.  They weren’t so happy about my move. For those that don’t know, I used to work as a Valuation Consultant at KPMG. I made pretty decent money and really didn’t stress about bills etc. I actually learned a lot and enjoyed my time there. However, at the same time, I started getting more gigs in the entertainment business. From stand up to my stuff at Mad TV and some commercials. It just made it impossible for me to continue doing both the consulting gig and the entertainment stuff.

I decided that I need to scratch this itch and quit my good paying job and instantly dropped a few levels in the income bracket. The first month after quitting, I made $65!!!

My parents were obviously not happy with the move. You see they came to this country and worked their asses off (they still do) to make sure that my sister and I wouldnt have to struggle like them. They sacrifice everything for my sister and me.  That is why even though it is a bit sad that they dont approve in what I do, I understand that it is because they want what is best for me in their eyes.

And even though they dont like what I do, my parents at this point still try to be as supportive as they can. That is unconditional love right there. Even though, I am a fuck up at times, they are still right there for me. For that I am eternally grateful.

familyMy dad is 6’1 and my mom is 4’8. Add that up and divide it by 2, you get my height.

Message to Parents:

I know that you come to this site sometimes and don’t know what I am writing. I wanted to say THANK YOU for being who you are. Sure we have our disagreements and you disapprove of a lot of things about me. Seeing you work so hard even til this day really inspires me. APPA, you taught me to never give up. As you liked to say ” When a man draws his sword, he should always draw blood.” I struggle with it but I try emulate your work ethic. Umma, I am sorry for not being a better son. You always told me that when Halmoni died you wished you were a better daughter to her. I know I dont show it but I always think of you guys as much as possible.

To My Sister:

Grace, I doubt you will read this but I wanted to say Sorry for not being a better older brother to you. I know it must have been tough to be my little sister. The pressure, the expectations. I am proud of the adult you have become and I will try to be there more.

Message to my Readers:

Take care of your loved ones. Family is all you got sometimes.
