Ugly Kids

Ugly Kids

I was looking through some old pictures of when I was a kid. I was a damn adorable kid man. Look at me now though. Ughh. People are usually told they look like someone famous. I was told that I look like kim jong il. Nothing about that fucker screams good looking. Anyways, this got me to think. Most good looking kids, don’t turn out as good looking as adults. So I want my child to be on the uglier side. Because they have a better possibility of being better looking as adults. And the next reason is because they will not get kidnapped. Have you seen those have “have you seen me” flyers. Those kids are always cute. Personally, if I was a kidnapper, I wouldn’t want to have an ugly kid locked in my basement. Hell I wouldn’t waste candy on an ugly kid. I know this sounds fucked up but im just saying.

Kim Jong Il is sexy! He gets all the old ladies!