Posted December 27th, 2013 by

This is our Christmas Episode. Unfortunately this has nothing to do with Christmas… Here are the topics covered:

The reason for Headright’s tardiness,

Keanu Reeves and Speed,

Danny’s recent encounter with a fob at a Karaoke,

Ktown Cowboys wrapped production,

Someone tried to evangelize Denkym,

Denkym is mad at the Santa Baby song,

Jolly Rancher x Chlamydia,

Interracial Kids,

Crazy Korean Old Wives Tales.

Thanks for listening and Happy Holidays!D83A7171

Posted December 19th, 2013 by

Today we have 2 guests. TC and Old Gold.  Here are some of the things we covered in this episode:

Old Gold’s recent story about a fight he got into,

Lorde’s Asian Boyfriend,

Nelson Mandela Memorial,

Headright brings back the deaf Ice Cube imitation,

Old Gold as a life coach.

TC’s recent bad trip,

Terrible internet videos.

Thanks for listening!

Posted December 13th, 2013 by

It’s just the boys in this one. Here are the topics covered in this episode:

Recap of Danny’s set at the Brea Improv,

Chicks that like Star Wars,

Filler words in speech,

Famous Filipinos,

Paul Walker Nelson Mandela deaths,

Nude Selfies,

Costco Samples,

Grammar Nazis,

Thanks for listening!

Posted December 5th, 2013 by


DPD, the director of Ktown Cowboys, comes through as our guest.

Here are the topic covered:

Ktown Cowboys is in production,

The Iron Sheik was DPD’s substitute teacher,

What our first memories were,

Our thoughts on Black Friday,

Denkym as tech support,

Fights in Ktown,

Face vs. Body,

David Copperfield and other magicians.

Questions of the day: What is your first memory? and What type of pornos does your dad watch.

Email your answers to

Thanks for listening!

Posted November 28th, 2013 by

Denkym comes back from Asia and we immediately record. Here are some of the topics of this episode:

Denkym’s new life hack,

Recap and thoughts on Kollaboration,

Danny’s “positive” advice to people with aspirations in Entertainment,

Random talk about Seattle,

Headright talks about an art show fundraiser for the Filipinos,

China’s destruction of the environment,

Bat Kid,

Movies we cried in.

Rocky and Mr. T.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Thanks for listening.

